Ever Bilena Brow Powder in Black/Grey tone, $2
"Fain Eyebrow" Pencil in Grey, $2
Alrighty, so here are the brow pencils and the brow powder that I got from Daiso. I've been looking for something new to use on my brows ever since my unknown name brand yet amazing asian eyebrow pencil disappeared. I tried out the Rimmel brow pencil, Maybelline Expert Wear Duo Pencil, and I've been trying to find the Maybelline Define-a-Brow these past few weeks but almost all of the Targets, Wal-Marts, Rite-Aids, etc etc ARE OUT. It's pretty ridiculous. Do they know how much gas costs nowadays?! Uggggh. Anyways! So I saw these babies and had to get them. I remember watching a video on YouTube about some of these and read some pretty good comments about them, so I decided to pick up 3 pencils and 1 eyebrow powder.
Me likey. :)
I'd say I like the powder a lot more since it looks a bit more natural and easier to blend, but the pencil is good, too.
I wish the powder was a bit lighter or more cool toned but it seems to work out alright with my hair color. The gray tone of the pencil is on point though, but it's not as creamy as I'd like it to be. Maybe it's just really cold where I live and made it harden a bit...?
But either way, I like both of these and if you're a dark haired girl in search of a cheap eyebrow product to use, check these out (if you have a Daiso in your area).
Try their flat eyebrow pencil in dark brown...very nice...
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have to look for it the next time I go :)
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